Mitra Edukasi Negeri

English Language School Management: Entrepreneurship in English Language Education


This book entitled “English Language School Management: Entrepreneurship in English Language Education” serves as a comprehensive guide for undergraduate students studying English language education (ELE) in Indonesia. It aims to equip them as aspiring English language (EL) teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage EL schools effectively and deliver high-quality EL teaching and learning. Its ultimate purpose is to raise ELE students’ awareness of the management of EL schools both as a nonformal education institution and as a “subject-specific” entrepreneurial entity that they have the potential to manage (as managers), work for (as teachers or employees), and initiate (as business owners or investors).

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This book entitled “English Language School Management: Entrepreneurship in English Language Education” serves as a comprehensive guide for undergraduate students studying English language education (ELE) in Indonesia. It aims to equip them as aspiring English language (EL) teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage EL schools effectively and deliver high-quality EL teaching and learning. Its ultimate purpose is to raise ELE students’ awareness of the management of EL schools both as a nonformal education institution and as a “subject-specific” entrepreneurial entity that they have the potential to manage (as managers), work for (as teachers or employees), and initiate (as business owners or investors).

Penulis : Chairil Anwar Korompot; Dastiati Malolo
Editor : Prof. Dr. Baso Jabu, M.Hum; Prof. Dr. Mahesh Luthia; Dr. Nur Aeni, S.Pd., M.Pd
Penyunting :
Jumlah halaman : 136
Penerbit : CV. Mitra Edukasi Negeri


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